3 Gallon
Light: Full Sun - Partial Shade
Soil: Dry - Medium Dry
Mature Height: 8 feet
Mature Width: 10 feet
Description: The “fragrant” in fragrant sumac refers to the odor that is released from crushing the stems or leaves. Does best on warm, dry sites with lots of sun, but it is surprisingly adaptable to light shade. Fall color is an excellent reddish-orange with bright red fruit. A great companion plant for upright or vertical plants because of its layering habit. For this reason, it is also a great habitat providing plant. Growing from long-rhizomes, Fragrant Sumac spreads to form colonies. The plant prefers full or partial sun, dry conditions and sandy or rocky soil.
Fragrant Sumac can be either diecious or monoecious. In the spring tiny yellow flowers will appear at the twig tips before the foliage develops. By late summer, female flowers give way to clusters of hairy, red berries and in the fall the leaves of the Fragrant Sumac turn lovely shades of red, orange and purple.
A wide variety of insects will visit the Fragrant Sumac in search of nectar and pollen while others come to feed on the foliage. Small Carpenter Bees are known to tunnel into the stems to create their nests. The Spring Azure and the Red-banded Hairstreak use Fragrant Sumac as a host plant. During the winter, when food sources are limited, birds may visit the plant to eat the berries.